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VIVAI DIFFUSI nasce da un'idea dell'architetto Felicia Lamanuzzi, con l'intento d'indagare le possibili forme di dialogo tra natura e spazio urbano, mirando a migliorare la qualità di vita. Grazie ad installazioni temporanee di alberi in vaso che, come nei vivai, sono destinati alla messa a dimora stabile, VIVAI DIFFUSI aiuta ad immaginare con esempi concreti la riqualifica urbana.  ​ La volontà alla base di VIVAI DIFFUSI è quella di invitare la cittadinanza e le associazioni in particolare a vivere e interpretare proprio quegli spazi pubblici rinnovati dai nuovi allestimenti di alberi in vaso per scoprirne o immaginare le potenzialità. È proprio la densità d’uso degli spazi che testimonia l’apprezzamento o meno degli stessi. Le installazioni sono quindi un invito ad attraversare, usare, sostare tra i VIVAI DIFFUSI per collaborare a promuovere una città più ricca di verde.

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more greenery for a more livable city

VIVAI DIFFUSI draws inspiration from tactical urbanism and land art initiatives to enhance and highlight the architectural quality of trees and their potential to give identity to space while improving its quality.

The concept of urban green proposed by VIVAI DIFFUSI goes beyond purely decorative purposes and promotes its development as urban infrastructure, capable of creating a network of interconnections to encourage slow mobility and biodiversity diffusion.

VIVAI DIFFUSI promotes human-scale public spaces where one can feel comfortable, like at home.

VIVAI DIFFUSI draws inspiration from tactical urbanism and land art initiatives to enhance and highlight the architectural quality of trees and their potential to give identity to space while improving its quality.

The concept of urban green proposed by VIVAI DIFFUSI goes beyond purely decorative purposes and promotes its development as urban infrastructure, capable of creating a network of interconnections to encourage slow mobility and biodiversity diffusion.

VIVAI DIFFUSI promotes human-scale public spaces where one can feel comfortable, like at home.

VIVAI DIFFUSI is currently active in the municipality of Chiasso, Ticino, and has received the acknowledgment of interest from the Office of Nature and Landscape, the patronage of OTIA (Order of Engineers and Architects of the Canton of Ticino)  and the Switzerland Mobility Association

The Project will be part of the Festival of Nature and of Jane's Walk

Furthermore, VIVAI DIFFUSI has accepted the invitation to the Biodiversity Congress organized by ​Eawg titled “From Science to Implementation”.



our mission

urban space

Increase the presence of greenery in the city by requalyifing public spaces, highlighting the architectural value of trees in defining and shaping space, their architectural capacity to enhance the spatial and aesthetic quality of places.

By fostering a dialogue between nature and urban space, VIVAI DIFFUSI promotes a qualitative development of urban areas, providing identity and attractiveness to public spaces lacking in quality.


VIVAI DIFFUSI aims to reduce the effects of climate change, counteract urban heat islands, absorb CO2, and improve the environmental quality of urban spaces.

Creating green spaces in urban contexts helps reduce air temperature by up to 8°C, provides freshness, decreases the use of cooling systems, increases property value, and improves soil permeability.


Greening urban spaces has multiple beneficial effects on our overall well-being, particularly on our psychophysical health. The presence of urban greenery contributes to the reduction of stress, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, improvement in concentration, mood, with beneficial effects on the social and inclusive nature of spaces.

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Hot and sunny places, treeless streets, anonymous and low-quality spaces that remain empty during the beautiful season instead of being enjoyed by citizens.

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The temporary installation of potted trees by VIVAI DIFFUSI revitalizes the space, providing shade and freshness, making it more attractive and visually stimulating: more liveable.

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The trees of VIVAI DIFFUSI are integrated into urban requalification projects in the installation area or in other areas that need greening.

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the project

As one of the initiatives aimed at reducing the effects of climate change, VIVAI DIFFUSI emerges as an experimental proposal inspired by recent cantonal guidelines that promote a "qualitative development of urban areas." Through simple and temporary installations of potted trees in open spaces, the project serves as an opportunity for reflection, dissemination, and awareness-raising about the relationships between greenery, urban space, and humans. Above all, VIVAI DIFFUSI allows concrete appreciation of the advantages of urban greenery in terms of liveability, health, and social inclusion. It also provides the opportunity to experience its attractiveness for the development of a range of nearby activities and services, which are the focus of the sustainable model of the 15-Minute City.



In our urban centres, it is common to come across sunny squares and treeless streets, anonymous spaces, sunlit plazas dotted with empty benches that often lack identity or a distinctive character. Instead of being centres of social interaction during the beautiful season, they remain empty or sparsely frequented. In the best cases, a creative variety of hedges, umbrellas, and partitions, often of questionable quality, rather than improving the space, they fragment and degrade it.

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VIVAI DIFFUSI is conceived as a widespread project, replicable and adaptable to different scales and spatial configurations. Its temporary nature, its fundamental purpose of dissemination and raising awareness about current issues, make VIVAI DIFFUSI a cross-cutting project that touches on social and environmental domains by promoting harmonization between nature and urban space, without neglecting the economic aspects.

The choice of concrete pots serves two practical purposes: ensuring the stability and safety of the installations and optimizing resource usage, as the pots are fully reusable. The purpose of these temporary arrangements is to showcase their potential and encourage their planting in the ground.

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VIVAI DIFFUSI lends itself to be promoted by various groups committed to improving the quality of life for all, including administrations, associations, neighborhood groups, and professional orders. Starting from the municipal level, it can expand to the regional and cantonal levels, reaching other cantons.

The presence of urban greenery not only helps limit urban heat islands and absorb CO2 but also promotes the diffusion of slow mobility, with additional and evident benefits for public health. Improving the usability of open spaces means enhancing environmental comfort, attractiveness, social density, inclusivity, and safety.

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VIVAI DIFFUSI represents one of the possible responses to the increasingly urgent need to improve the quality of public spaces and overall quality of life in our urban areas, making them more attractive and in line with the goals of the Agenda 2030  for sustainable Development and the new requirements for public space that the pandemic has confronted us with.


the benefits of urban trees

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of energy savings for heating building adjacent to trees

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of reduced use of air conditioning in buildings properly shaded by trees



lower air temperature in shaded areas by tree canopies



of CO2 absorption by a single tree in only six months

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of increased value of properties located in particularly green areas

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